Code of Conduct of DANQUINSA GmbH

Conduct Policy

With this Code of Conduct (CoC), DANQUINSA GmbH is committed to its social responsibility in connection with all activities of the company.
This CoC applies to DANQUINSA GmbH, its management and its employees. The CoC also expressly refers to the requirements that the company DANQUINSA GmbH places on its suppliers. The CoC thus also refers to all commercial activities outside of Germany.
The following is intended to summarize the most important mandatory standards in order to provide employees with a guideline for the orientation of their actions.

1. Legal Conformity

  1. Compliance with the applicable laws and other legal provisions of the countries in which we operate is a matter of course for us. If local laws and regulations are less restrictive, our actions are based on the principles of this CoC.

2. Customers, Suppliers and Business Partners

  1. Selection of Suppliers

    According to our CoC, we strive for a fair and fair relationship with our business partners. When making the selection, it must be ensured that our business partners observe the values mentioned in this CoC.

  2. Prohibition of Corruption and Bribery

    DANQUINSA is committed to fair competition and will not tolerate any form of corruption or bribery.

  3. Business Secrets

    Business secrets of partners are treated confidentially. Disclosure to third parties is prohibited and applies to all employees even after termination of employment.

3. Management and Employees

  1. Set an Example
    Our managers act as role models and ensure that violations of this Code of Conduct do not occur in their area of responsibility through appropriate supervision.

  2. Respect of Fundamental Rights
    DANQUINSA GmbH hereby declares that

    - promote equal opportunities and equal treatment of its employees regardless of their skin color, race, nationality, social background, any disability, sexual orientation, political or religious beliefs, gender or age
    - respect the personal dignity, privacy and personal rights of each individual
    - not to tolerate unacceptable treatment of workers, such as psychological hardship, sexual and personal harassment or discrimination
    - not to tolerate behaviour (including gestures, language and physical contact) that is sexual, coercive, threatening, abusive or exploitative


  3. Working Conditions, Prohibition of Child and Forced Labour
    DANQUINSA offers its employees fair wages and fair working conditions and rejects any form of forced labour. Child labour is tolerated only to the extent permitted by law and provided that the child has reached a minimum age of 15 years. This age limit does not apply to legally permitted work placements within the scope of a professional orientation.

  4. Health and Occupational Safety
    Working hours are in accordance with applicable national law or the relevant ILO conventions and overtime must be voluntary. The national and international regulations for ensuring health and safety at work are complied with. Appropriate systems shall be set up to avoid risks to health and safety.
  5. Environmental Protection
    We act in accordance with the applicable laws and are guided by international standards in order to minimize negative impacts on the environment and to continuously improve our activities for environmental and climate protection.

4. Implementation and Compliance

Wir unternehmen geeignete und zumutbare Anstrengungen, die in diesem CoC beschriebenen Grundsätze und Werte kontinuierlich umzusetzen, zu dokumentieren und anzuwenden. Alle Mitarbeitenden werden zu den Inhalten des CoC sensibilisiert und bedarfsgerecht zu relevanten Themen geschult. Verstöße gegen den CoC werden nicht geduldet und können zu arbeitsrechtlichen Konsequenzen führen.

German Minimum Salary Law §13 (Mindestlohngesetz §13)

Information of the management

In accordance with the applicable minimum salary law (MiLoG), we must ensure that both we ourselves and service providers commissioned by us pay the legally stipulated minimum salary.
As a responsible company, we attach absolute importance to consistently complying with all obligations under the MiLoG.
It is important to us to note that the liability of the Contractor as defined in section 13 MiLoG applies only within the framework and in connection with the agreement of a service or work contract. Between our houses, however, only contractual purchase contracts apply, insofar as it concerns the supply of your company with goods. Therefore, we are your contractor, but not in the sense of the MiLoG, but in the sense of the Civil Code (BGB).
Thereafter, we are liable to you exclusively for the fulfilment of our obligations, which result from the § 433 BGB as well as from the purchase contract concluded between us.

Nevertheless, we would like to assure you that we pay our full-time employees at least the wage determined according to the collective agreement for our industry and insofar as the Employee Posting Act (AentG) and observe the Minimum Salary Act (MiLoG) in its current version. This also applies to part-time employees and so-called mini-jobbers employed by us.
We purchase our merchandise exclusively from manufacturers and importers known to us, so from a reliable "source". In this way, we not only ensure the quality of our products, but also give you the guarantee that our suppliers also comply with applicable law.
It follows that, in accordance with our compliance in connection with goods deliveries, we do not make unilateral declarations of commitment to the MiLoG
and also do not hand over confidential and data protection-subject wage and salary documents.

We ask for your understanding and trust.

If you intend to conclude a service or work contract with us, we of course assure you as a contractor in a separate form that we comply with the MiLoG provisions. Please contact us in the course of the respective contract design.